Each year our club holds an awards ceremony in honor of our local first responders. The award is named for Al Filipov, who was a Concord Rotarian for many years and died in the terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001. Al was always one to volunteer whether in Rotary, at church or for town events. In his name we award members of the Concord Police and Fire departments who sacrifice each day for the protection and safety of our community. This years recipients from the police department are Sargant John O'Connor, Officer David Braga, Officer Brendan Fitzgerald and Officer Jake Miller. A donation to the Brotherhood for the Fallen-Boston will be made in the Concord Police Department's name. Firefighter, Jesse Caney was also presented the award and a donation to Special Olympics Massachusetts will be made in the Concord Fire Department's name. In addition to the donations and awards we gave the Police and Fire Departments each an orchid plant. The story Sharon Spaulding shared with us explains the symbolism.
The Survivor Tree
There was a pear tree that was discovered at the site of Ground Zero in October of 2001 under debris. The branches were broken and damaged and charred. The New York City Parks and Recreation commission moved it and cared for it. It came back to life and was brought to the Memorial site in 2010. It stands as a reminder of survival, rebirth, hope and recovery in the midst; and the aftermath, of hardship. There is a healing power to the story, and a poignant reminder of the power and strength of nature. In keeping with this story, we are providing both Fire and Police departments an orchid to remember we are resilient; both as people and as a Nation.
The orchid, as it does, will eventually lose its leaves and it will seem to have no hope to ever bloom again. But when watered and fertilized, and in the fullness of time; it will come back and bloom again. Let this be a metaphor of second chances when the signs of hope and better times seem out of sight. 
Concord, MA 01742
United States of America