Following our custom to meet together at a time close to Patriot's Day, the Rotary Clubs of Concord and Lexington met, this time on Zoom. Along with prizes for history and Patriot's Day trivia, there were many generous fines, with the total being donated to Lexington's food insecurity projects. A highlight of the meeting was speaker Michael Tougias, author of 30 books. Tougias told the story behind his book, The Finest Hours. With captivating slides, he spoke about the US Coast Guard rescue of the crew of the SS Pendleton and their daring rescue off the coast of Cape Cod. (Two oil tankers had split in half during a blizzard in 1952,) The book was made into a movie and Tougias was on set during the filming. Read the book, see the movie, peruse the reviews. Tougias tells a gripping tale.