The Rotary Club of Concord and P.E.O. Chapter AO (Harvard MA) invite you to attend Kenyan Martina Amoth’s presentation of the Kenya Water Project, the installation of wells and latrines for Kenyan villages and schools. The event will take place April 28 from 2 – 4 p.m. in the Ransome Room at Concord Academy, 166 Main Street in Concord. Refreshments will be served.
The results of this project reflect President Henry’s emphasis on partnering with other organizations to reach lasting results. The Rotary Club of Concord partnered with the Rotary Club of Parklands in Nairobi, Kenya to build wells and latrines under a $35,000 grant from The Rotary Foundation. Detweilers identified the need for the project through their association with Kenyan Martina Armoth, who had undertaken a similar project through PEO, a philanthropic organization that supports the advancement of women. Now Martina will come to Concord to share the results of the project. You will be inspired by the improvement in people’s lives and impressed by the persistence of those who made the wells and latrines a reality.
Photo: Rotarians from Concord and Parklands, Kenya celebrate the Water Project at the Rotary convention.